Matthew on the Issues

As a dedicated Republican candidate for state representative, I staunchly advocate for Missouri First policies, prioritizing our great state’s prosperity and security. These policies are rooted in conservative principles of fiscal responsibility, free-market enterprise, and the protection of individual liberties.
Central to Missouri First policies is fostering a business-friendly environment that encourages entrepreneurship, job creation, and economic growth. By reducing burdensome regulations, lowering taxes, and promoting policies that support small businesses, we can unleash the full potential of our economy and empower Missouri workers to succeed.
Additionally, Missouri First policies emphasize the importance of defending our borders, upholding the rule of law, and ensuring the safety of our communities. This includes supporting law enforcement efforts to combat crime, securing our borders to prevent illegal immigration, and preserving our Second Amendment rights to protect ourselves and our families.
Furthermore, Missouri First policies prioritize investing in essential infrastructure projects that benefit our state and its residents, such as improving roads, bridges, and transportation networks. By modernizing our infrastructure, we can enhance economic development opportunities, facilitate commerce, and improve the quality of life for all Missourians.
By embracing Missouri First policies, we can uphold conservative values, strengthen our economy, and preserve the freedoms that make our state exceptional. Together, we can build a brighter future for Missouri, where opportunity abounds, and every citizen has the chance to achieve the American Dream.
As a U.S. Veteran, Lifelong Member of the NRA, and Attorney, I staunchly defend the Second Amendment, unwavering in my commitment to safeguarding our right to bear arms. I pledge to advocate for policies that facilitate, rather than impede, law-abiding Missourians’ ability to protect themselves and their families.

My experience as a U.S. Veteran of the Armed Forces has provided me with a deep understanding of the critical role the U.S. border plays in our national security. As a Republican candidate for State Representative, I recognize the urgency of addressing the challenges posed by illegal immigration and the flaws in the immigration system. I advocate for strong border security measures to protect our nation’s sovereignty and our state communities. I will support sensible initiatives that strengthen border enforcement through increased manpower, advanced technology, and strategic infrastructure. Additionally, I am committed to upholding the rule of law and ensuring accountability for undocumented immigrants who violate state laws. I support and will advocate for enhanced criminal penalties for persons who knowingly assist undocumented immigrants in defrauding our state. While border security is primarily a federal issue, I will advocate for policies prioritizing our borders’ safety and integrity while creating a secure environment for all Americans.

As a Christian man embracing fatherhood to my five beautiful children, I stand firmly committed to protecting the sanctity of life from conception to natural death. I believe that everyone deserves the fundamental right to life, regardless of age, ability, or circumstance, as enshrined in our Declaration of Independence.
I oppose abortion and will work zealously to promote policies that protect the unborn and support mothers facing unplanned pregnancies. I believe that life begins at conception, and I will advocate for and protect legislation that reflects this belief.
Additionally, I will support initiatives to provide alternatives to abortion, such as enhancements for adoption and pregnancy support services, that empower women to choose life for their unborn children. I believe that by fostering a culture of life and offering compassionate support to women in crisis, we can reduce the demand for abortion and build a society that values and protects every human life.
As your State Representative, I will be a strong and unwavering advocate for the sanctity of life. I will fight to defend the most vulnerable members of our society and uphold the moral values that make our state and nation great.
In rural Missouri, the challenge of accessing quality healthcare isn’t just a concern—it’s a crisis. With clinics and hospitals closing their doors, our residents, particularly seniors and low-income families, face significant barriers to receiving essential medical care. The burden of traveling long distances for basic primary care is not only inconvenient but also detrimental to the health and well-being of our communities. I strongly support expanding practice rights for experienced Advanced Nurse Practitioners (ANPs) and Assistant Physicians, as well as recruitment incentives for all medical providers who commit to serving in our rural Missouri communities. As a dedicated advocate for rural Missouri, I believe everyone deserves access to quality healthcare, regardless of zip code or economic status.

Our education system is the bedrock of our society, molding our children’s future and our state. However, Missouri’s schools confront formidable hurdles that demand attention. Teachers are underappreciated, lacking resources, and inadequately compensated, making a tough job even harder, contributing to burnout and teacher exodus from the profession. Additionally, our students with special needs are frequently left behind. As your candidate for State Representative, I am dedicated to addressing these issues head-on and reforming our education system. My goal is to work tirelessly to provide our teachers with the resources and support they need to far exceed educational benchmarks, reduce burnout, increase retention, and ensure that every child receives a quality education equipping them for success beyond graduation.

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